Students can be awarded up to $5,000!
All Active or HRM students with 6 months or more experience (volunteer or paid) in the food service industry can apply.
Gaston Lenotre Scholarship applications can be downloaded here, found upstairs in the North building by the scholarship flyers, or at the South building by the scholarship flyers.
Information on application must be typed.
Please turn in application and all documents to Sandra Ayala in the Financial Aid department (North building).
Download the application below!
1. All applicants must provide a complete application with the following documents:
a. Application form
b. Typed 2 Page essay (double spaced) answering the following questions:
i. Why are you seeking financial assistance
ii. Why should you receive a tuition scholarship
iii. What are your professional plans
c. 2 letters of professional reference on business letterhead attached to reference
d. A copy of driver’s license and social security card
e. High School diploma or GED
Additional Guidelines:
1. Annual income must be below $65,000
a. Additional consideration given to applicants with dependents
2. Minimum 6 months experience (volunteer or paid) in the food service industry
3. Must hold a GPA of 2.5 or higher at the time of submission
4. Not eligible to apply while on Leave of Absence or on Final Term
5. Application should preferable be typed online
6. A pledge by applicants to share yearly the progress in their career
7. Two additional contacts who could be reached by phone and email in case you become unreachable. (To be verified)
8. All completed applications must be turned in two weeks prior to the interview dates
9. Interview with an officer of the Culinary Endowment & Scholarship, Inc. will be scheduled once the documents have been received and approved for submission by the Financial Aid department
Please contact Sandra Ayala - Scholarship Coordinator/Financial Aid Representative ( ) with any further questions.